Collabora at FOSDEM 2017


It’s time again for another FOSDEM, the famous two-day event organised by volunteers to promote the widespread use of free and open source software, held in Brussels, Belgium. As usual, Collabora Productivity will be there, and this edition we’ll give 3 very interesting talks in the Open Document Editors devroom for anyone interested in LibreOffice on the Desktop or Online.

LibreOffice Online Debugging

Debugging in browser, logging at server side, analyzing log files, tracing option, that dumps command and notifications for replay, etc.

Day: Saturday, February 4
Start: 12:10
End: 12:30

Exploiting Concurrency

How I stopped worrying and started threading …
We now have hardware with increasing numbers of threads and functional blocks left & right. Come and hear how we plan to use that for maximum effect to make LibreOffice rock – things we have already done, things we are working on doing, and how you can get involved to encourage your PC to use more of its power to speed your LibreOffice up.

Day: Saturday, February 4
Start: 14:50
End: 15:10

Integrating LibreOffice Online via WOPI

Come and hear how you can integrate LibreOffice Online into your webservice!

Day: Saturday, February 4
Start: 15:10
End: 15:30

It’s free to attend FOSDEM, and it’s a great place to meet people involved in LibreOffice. So, save the date and visit one of our talks!

CODE 2.0 updates

code-logoWe start the year with a list of updates for Collabora Online Development Edition 2.0, including some cool new features, fixes and API improvements.


New features and fixes

  • Insert Special Characters feature (in menu and on toolbar)
  • Initial support for IME. Now it is, for example, possible to type in Chinese
  • Many stability fixes
  • Various UI fixes (toolbar, tooltips, retina display)
  • Fixed printing on MS Edge
  • A user with slow network connection cannot block the work of other users of the same document any more.
  • Updated localizations
  • Many more, small fixes



  • Use EnableOwnerTermination property for ownertermination
    Document owners (sessions with their WOPI UserId = OwnerId) can close the document (for all sessions), if EnableOwnerTermination property  is specified. Note that EnableOwnerTermination is an extension to WOPI, and not part of original WOPI standard.
  • DisablePrint, DisableExport, and DisableCopy WOPI properties
    These boolean properties, when passed with CheckFileInfo, disable printing, download and copy to/from clipboard respectively.


Important change in Apache2 reverse proxy config:

We had previously:

AllowEncodedSlashes On

Now we need:

AllowEncodedSlashes NoDecode

We had previously:

ProxyPassMatch "/lool/(.*)/ws$" wss://$1/ws

Now we need:

ProxyPassMatch "/lool/(.*)/ws$" wss://$1/ws nocanon

How to update

Simply update with:

docker pull collabora/code